Orthodontic Facts that Will Blow Your Mind – Trumbull, CT

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Orthodontic Treatments have been the go-to of the patients to attain a straighter and beautiful smile. The different procedures and options restore the teeth’s aesthetics, and these are less expensive and durable which makes it an ideal treatment.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry which deals with the correction of the teeth and jaw irregularities. At Trumbull Premier Dental, we offer Ceramic Braces, Invisalign, Six Month Smiles, Clear Aligners, and Retainers.


Patient Getting Orthodontic Treatment


Facts about Orthodontics

  • The first aligning appliances were first traced in Ancient Egypt: People from the 18th century had been yearning for straighter, more attractive, and perfect smile. Archeologists discovered animal intestines wrapped around the teeth of the dead. They believed that these animal parts serve as wires and act the same way as modern braces do to straighten the teeth.
  • All Orthodontists are dentists but not all dentists are orthodontists: It can be confusing sometimes. Dentists study for four years in dental school, and after graduating, they have an additional of two to three years to be called an orthodontist. They have to graduate and study from an accredited orthodontic residency program. Orthodontists focus and specialize in preventing and treating the teeth irregularities a patient has to avoid from developing to severe complications.
  • Treat irregularities must be treated not later than the age of 7: It is suggested to have an orthodontist appointment as soon as there is any tooth irregularity arises. In this way, the dentist will be able to identify whether what will be the most appropriate orthodontic treatment the child will have. Moreover, determining the early signs of teeth irregularities will prevent the development of other dental issues that could affect the overall health of the patient.
  • In 1900, Orthodontics was considered to be a specialty: The very first aid of Orthodontic treatments is to fix occlusions without having to extract the teeth. The first dental specialist was Edward H. Angle, the one who started the first independent school of orthodontics and classified malocclusions according to type. He believed that in order to achieve the aesthetic result a person wanted, the tooth must be in its ideal position in the mouth. In line with this, all of his treatments do not include teeth extractions.
  • Many treatment options can correct the alignment of the teeth: Although braces had been the standard in orthodontics, it is not the only treatment that can treat teeth misalignment. Today, there are varieties of choices of braces from colored to clear braces.

Orthodontics had been of great help and a dental breakthrough in helping patients achieve the best smile they deserve. For ideal results, the patient has to visit their dentist; they will be the one to determine the most appropriate treatment one must undergo.


The road to a straighter, healthier mouth begins with an orthodontist appointment. If you’re looking for options for Orthodontic Treatments in Trumbull, CT, contact us at Trumbull Premier Dental and schedule an appointment. We’ll make sure to answer any other questions you might have.